Niching your Niche: How to speak client.

When you talk market shares and client potential, it’s easy to think in broad terms that incorporate large swaths of people, whether it’s geographically, economically or socially-defined, like millennials, boomers or soccer moms. But, in truth, our clients are individuals and perceiving them as a generic bucket of opportunity with little attention to their needs and beliefs, won’t help your sales or your business.

What is “speaking client” and how does it affect your sales and marketing?

Speaking client is the ability to clearly state your benefits, results and solutions in such a way that your prospect quickly understands why they need your product OR why someone they know would want it.

Think of your clients like a country; a nation with their own language. If you can speak it, you will build trust, understanding and successful relationships faster.


The first step in knowing your niche market.  

Understanding you niche market allows you to determine their pain, needs and wants—and how to speak their language. It's not enough to market to the nation, you must understand the neighborhood, street, even address.  By focusing on one type of client, you can understand how to connect with them and do a better job of it.

When you really understand your prospects, you can hone your message and tailor their experience. This includes

  •             Pace

  •             Priorities

  •             Buying needs

  •             Behaviors that create perceived value

Connecting with your niche market creates advocates

By clearly communicating your benefit on a deeper, more personal and emotional level, you give your clients a reason to believe. And they will share that belief. They become your advocate.

Speaking your clients’ language in today’s Word Economy.

In today’s digital, social and instantly communicative world, the consumer experience and beliefs dictate the success of products, services and brands.  

93% of new customer decision is based on 3rd party ratings and testimonials

It is imperative that you understand what your customer or clients want, need and value. When a client hears their pain described clearly and accompanied by a solution, they get it, they want it. If you take the next step, and combine that solution with an experience that is positive, authentic and exceeds their expectations, you will create an advocate.

Think individual.

We’re not saying that you should reduce your dreams—or client base. We’re advocating for understanding who your clients really are; by thinking about them as individuals not a massive blob of potential profit.

By defining your niche market, your Client Nation, beyond the industry and specifically to the individual you will have a stronger foundation for vertical growth and achieve accelerated results that create the purpose and priority for your business.